As a stay at home mom to two young boys, I often feel like I'm not able to help others, serve, and make a difference the way I would really like to. Matt and I were recently asked to host a table for the Discover the Y fundraising dinner. My first thought was no way, everyone is too busy, broke, or already supporting something, whether it is their local church, Christian radio, Stillwater Life Services, FCA, missionaries, Disabled Veterans, Humane Society, and numerous other good organizations. However, we said yes, and I feel like this is a small way I can make a difference.
I don't know that much about the Y, but recently discoved it's our own little mission field right in the center of Stillwater, ministering to youth everyday, some that have no one to go home to when they get out of school, also known as latch key kids. I realize it's not up to me to decide who does or does not have money to support the Y. I believe it's more about the giver's heart than the giver's amount.
Would you please consider this an invitation for you and your spouse/guest to learn more about the role of the YMCA in our community and their vision for the future? The dinner is Tuesday, November 16, 6:30-8:30 pm at the Conoco Phillips Alumni Center. Dress is business casual and is FREE to attend. If you would like to attend or want more information, please personal message me on facebook or email me at
Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of youth in our community!
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